THE headteacher of a rural Cumbrian primary school is now a published author.

Jillian Harrison-Longworth, who is headteacher at Blennerhasset School, near Wigton, has written a book called 50 Fantastic Ideas for Developing Emotional Resilience.

Jillian, who has spent about 15 years researching the book, has tried out many of the activities with the children at her school.

Jillian has planned and delivered a wide range of short but focused activities that can be used to develop aspects of emotional resilience across five key areas: confidence, self-image, self-esteem, perseverance and cooperation.

The book contains refined activities for each of these crucial sections that most commonly arise in schools and nursery settings.

Examples include how to be young detectives and how to make parachute sacks. Each activity tells you the materials you need to carry out the task.

She said: “I’ve tried out the activities with many of the children - who are thrilled to be in the book - and with different groups and families.

“There has always been emphasis placed on personal, social and emotional education, particularly in the Early Years. Emotionally resilient children are well equipped to deal with the challenges they may face, and this resilience reflects a range of skills, strengths and characteristics acquired and refined throughout your life.

“I’m fortunate that I’ve been able to include some images of my own son, Henry, now 15, in the book from when he was at nursery and the children at the school.

“The children have enjoyed seeing themselves in the book and it has been well received. I got them to help me a lot and to do a critique.”

Jillian launched the book last week - on World Book Day - at her school.

She said: “We had such great fun launching the book on World Book Day. Parents came into school and we had cake and I sold a few copies.”

Jillian, who lives in Carlisle, says the book is suitable for anyone who works with children from teachers to parents and social workers. She said: “I am doing some training with a small team in Carlisle in the summer term and up in Aberdeenshire with the Early Years Service there. I’d definitely like to write more if I had the time.”

The book costs £10.99 and is available from Amazon and good bookshops.