A care home which closed two months ago following an infestation of flies is still shut.

Residents at Pow Beck House in Whitehaven were forced to move out in February while fumigation works took place at the facility.

The Mirehouse home is one of four earmarked for closure when a new facility is built and opened in Whitehaven next year.

And the county council, which runs Pow Beck, has this week revealed that the former residents have decided to stay in their current homes until they transfer to the new facility at the old Sekers site in Hensingham.

The 18 residents and staff were offered the choice to go to Brackenthwaite Home in Whitehaven, Dentholme in Cleator Moor, Castle Mount in Egremont and Richmond Park in Workington, while the fly infestation was tackled.

A council spokesman said: "Pow Beck House remains temporarily closed following the recent fumigation works.

"We have worked closely with residents and their families, and their wish is to remain in their current home of choice within the local area until they transfer to the new care home in Copeland in 2019."

Work is taking place on the new £6m 60-bed residential care home at Hensingham.

The new facility on Cleator Moor Road, set to open next spring, will provide care for older adults, especially those who need to be supported with dementia and complex care needs.

The new home will replace four older Cumbria Care homes in the area; Dentholme, Castle Mount, Pow Beck and Brackenthwaite.