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Death Notice


Published on 01/12/2023

DOUGLAS William Passed away November 24th aged 97. Preceeded by much loved wife Doris and independent till virtually the last. Peaceful now from Dave, Andy, Rose and families


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Gilly Dobson December 25th, 2023
Mr Douglas taught me English during my first year at Harraby Secondary School in 1977. He was a brilliant teacher. His discipline was second to none. He’d raise an eyebrow (with an evil glint or was it a cheeky sparkle? - You never could tell!) and he looked over the lense and rim of his spectacles like Dick Dastardly and the class would fall into an instant hush, swallowing. .No one messed with Bill. I was lucky enough to call and see him as an adult and although becoming hard of hearing his stories of his Harraby School days flowed. He clearly adored his days there and the pupils he taught, this couldn’t be masked. His love for us all was evident. I’m sorry I missed his funeral. Had I known, I would definitely attended to pay my respects to a very fine teacher and man who many will remember for his trousers tucked into his cycle clips! Rest in peace Mr Douglas.
george burgess December 15th, 2023
Bill Douglas or "Wild Bill" as we used to call him privately was not everybodies cup
of tea but he was by far and away the best teacher I ever had the privilage to be
taught by. He gave me a first class command of the English language that has stood
me in good stead all my life and I am eternally grateful for his efforts. RIP Bill.
George Burgess, Harraby Secondary 1974