WE shared the news that a Cumbrian magician has been dubbed the ‘favourite’ to win Britain’s Got Talent after reaching the final.

Jack Rhodes, 26, from Ulverston, won the vote of the British public in the semi-final of the ITV talent show.

The judges' hearts were in their mouths after performing an extreme card trick while locked in a box of dynamite.

Our readers congratulated him on his success.

Dan Robinson said: "He was unreal, get behind the lad," while Alison Bratt Mcloughlin said: "Loved it go on lad."

Pauline English said: "Fabulously done he's brilliant," and Elaine Walker added: "Jack was brilliant, good luck for the final."

Anne Newton and Lynne Cooper said Jack was 'brilliant' and Don Donaldson said he 'loved it'.

Lyndsey Houghton said: "Can't wait to see what he does next."

Chelsea Buchanan said: "I think he’s good."