OUR readers reacted to the news that Cumberland council leader Mark Fryer has said Carlisle is a city 'on the up' – as the council announced more progress towards upgrades in the city centre this week.

Cumberland Council is embarking on a venture to regenerate Market Square and Greenmarket, creating a 'welcoming and lively space for residents, businesses, and visitors'.

This is just one of many major regeneration projects that are currently taking place across the city, as the leader says he is optimistic about the future of Carlisle.

Here's what readers thought.

Ian Atkinson said: "Too many empty shops, now rumours of rent rises in the market will force more businesses to close," as David Eyley added: "It’s the lack of shops, the plethora of charity, betting, hairdressers/barbers places, and boarded up retail outlets."

However, he added residents should celebrate the assets Carlisle does have, such as the castle, cathedral, museum, historic buildings, Hadrian's Wall and the parks. "Many towns and cities have not got anything like what we have, so we’re lucky," he said.

One web user said: "We need people to believe in our City, the often cynical viewpoint puts people off. If we don’t believe in it ourselves then others certainly won’t."