READERS reacted to the news that the online food delivery company Deliveroo has revealed its shortlist for the best restaurant and takeaway options from across the UK.

Despite the wide range of options in Carlisle and the wider county, especially in the Lake District, none from Cumbria made the shortlist. 

Dave John said: "Given that Carlisle makes up 0.16 per cent of the UK population, I'm hardly shocked," while Jake Cabeza recommended several options for local takeaways.

He suggested for an Indian to try Gurkha Spicy, for Thai food the Royal Outpost, a Chinese takeaway from Happy Kitchen and for a pizza to try Pizza Base.

Dave John replied and said: "Little Chippy is far superior to KFC as well."

Steph Thomson commented: "Alan Chungs at Botcherby. Best Chinese takeout ever."

Sue Wooding also recommended Ghurka Spicy and Sunnys.

Ian Hebson added: "Lived in Carlisle all my life and there's hardly any that are consistently good. So it's hardly surprising."

Meanwhile, Richard Weir said: "Fryery, Scotland Road. Consistently excellent."

Valerie Armstrong recommended Everest Kitchen and Shaun Patrick Watson said he's never been disappointed by a takeaway from LA Pizza.

One web user said: "Alexandros Greek Deli - fantastic food. Viceroy takeaway - up there with the best. The Fryery, Stanwix - it's a close call between them and John's Plaice at Cardewlees, Paolo's Denton Holme and Fontana's on the corner of Alexander Street. Great chippys."