A puddings and prosecco evening is taking place to celebrate the 25th anniversary of West Cumbria Carers.

The charity wants to raise £25,000 by holding 25 fundraising events throughout the year to mark the milestone anniversary.

The puddings and prosecco evening will kick-start the ambitious programme of events.

It will be held on Friday, February 3, at Cockermouth Rugby Club, from 7pm.

There will be live music from lead singer Gary Jackson of the band Collision.

Tickets are £10 per person and include a glass of prosecco and three puddings. All proceeds will go to West Cumbria Carers.

Clare Edwards, one of the managers at West Cumbria Carers, said: "We are always wanting to reach out to more carers. It's a great opportunity to publicise that we have supported carers for 25 years and we are one of the organisations that are here to stay.We are here to support carers in the future.

"This is a way to raise awareness of the organisation and raise much-needed funds," she added.

The programme of events will take place throughout the year.

A new ale, Jugglers Ale is set to be launched at Ennerdale Brewery on February 24, in aid of the charity.

The ale has been given its name to reflect West Cumbria Carers logo which shows that carers are juggling numerous aspects - such as caring, work, family - at the same time.

Other fundraisers include a fashion show, at Hundith Hill on April 19 and a family fun day at Cockermouth Rugby Club, on July 15.

Anyone interested in helping at the events can contact West Cumbria Carers on 01900 821976.

To book your tickets for the puddings and prosecco evening, contact Michelle McGibbon on 01900 821976 or email michellemcgibbon@westcumbriacarers.co.uk