Keswick Alhambra Cinema has brought back its Friday £5 ticket deal. 

This is a combination of their ad hoc 'relaxed' screenings, initially aimed at parents and their babies, and the popular £5 Friday initiative implemented by the cinema last summer.

The discount was reintroduced on April 19. 

"We are very keen that the Alhambra should be accessible for all and while numbers are small for those who may need special accommodation, we know people are very grateful if provision is made for them," said co-owner Jonathan Moore. 

The affordable £5 Friday matinee screenings will cater to a wide range of audiences.

Both the 157-seat screen 1 and the cozy 28-seater screen 2 can be chosen by moviegoers.

Co-owner Carol Rennie said: "Hopefully it will fit the bill for lots of customers who might feel there are barriers to their visiting the cinema.

"If the film has subtitles, we'll use them, and if anyone would like us to turn the sound down a bit lower than usual, or leave the lights left on low, then they just need to ask, and we'll do that.

"The main thing is, it's a no-tutting environment, so that everyone feels welcome to attend, including those who have an infant with them, or who might themselves be a bit restless, and need to stretch their legs or frequently nip out to the loo during the screenings - they can be assured that at these 'relaxed' screenings, everyone is getting a cheaper ticket, and everyone knows that these screenings are there to accommodate anyone who might have additional needs," she said. 

Local cafe owner Chinty Turnbull said: "This is a great initiative, which we're sure will be very welcome.  We'll be promoting the screenings in our monthly newsletter.

"If it's a social occasion that people are looking for, however, they should pop into our cafe to find out more about Chinty's Film Club which we're launching soon - classic films, in great company - come and see us to find out more!"