A WEST Cumbrian woods have seen 'significant damage' to many of its foot paths after off road bikes and quads have been spotted over the weekend.

Allerdale police have warned the public following a number of reports of off road bikes and quads causing anti-social behaviour in Flimby woods over the weekend, causing antisocial behaviour (ASB) and damage to bridleways.

In a statement on social media, Allerdale police said: "Allerdale NPT Officers have today been to Flimby Woods. Various reports have been received from members of the public, regarding off road bikes/quads using the woods and causing ASB and damage to the bridleways.

"These woods are used by dog walkers and children. Officers will be paying attention to the area.

"The woods are Private land accessible by public footpath, the use of any kind of off road bikes/quads is prohibited unless you have the land owners permission.

"Significant damage has been caused to many of the footpaths."