A Cumbrian MP has spoken on the importance of Holocaust Memorial Day, which is today (January 27).

Holocaust Memorial Day, observed annually on January 27th, serves as a poignant reminder of the atrocities committed during the Holocaust.

Millions were killed and systematically persecuted by the Nazis during World War II.

Groups included Jews, homosexuals, Romanis, Poles and other Slavs, communists, disabled people, other ethnic minorities, Jehovah's Witnesses, and political dissidents.

This solemn day not only commemorates the victims but also honours the survivors and pays tribute to those who resisted the horrors of genocide.

The significance of Holocaust Memorial Day lies in its broader mission to ensure that the harrowing lessons of history are not forgotten.

It extends beyond the Holocaust, recognizing subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, Armenia, and Darfur.

The day prompts reflection on the consequences of prejudice, discrimination, and unchecked hatred, emphasizing the responsibility of individuals and societies to prevent the recurrence of such heinous crimes.

By fostering remembrance, Holocaust Memorial Day urges collective vigilance against bigotry and intolerance.

It encourages education about the Holocaust and subsequent genocides to promote understanding, empathy, and a commitment to human rights.

As survivors age and first-hand testimonies become scarcer, this day assumes an increasingly crucial role in preserving the memory of the Holocaust and promoting a world where diversity is celebrated, and the darkness of history is never allowed to repeat itself.

John Stevenson, the MP for Carlisle, has recently been appointed as the chair of the Holocaust Memorial Bill select committee.

It was set up to oversee the bill's petitioning period, where private individuals affected can petition parliament over its provisions.

The bill proposes to erect a memorial in Victoria Gardens, London, and a learning centre nearby.

He said: "I think it's a very significant day, and reminds us of the atrocities that happened 80 years ago.

"It may be a long time ago, but there are still people who remember it

"It had a huge impact on Europe, and we should never forget the dangers that dictatorships have."