A popular Carlisle venue made a generous donation to the local foodbank after a brilliant idea from visiting band, the Lancashire Hotpots.

The Old Fire Station hosted the comedy folk band on Saturday, December 16 and the band paid tribute to their most famous song Egg, Sausage, Chips and Beans by asking attendees to bring  foodbank-friendly items along for donation. 

On Tuesday morning, managing director Will Morgan dropped off the trolley full of tinned beans and more at Carlisle Foodbank's premises, just in time for Christmas Day. 

He said: "A supermarket trolley was set-up by the door, and it was amazing how much food people brought. It was very heart-warming to see.

"We pushed the trolley round to the Food Bank this morning, and I just hope it makes a difference to some family’s this Christmas.

"We hope to work with the foodbank on other events in the New Year."