COUNCILLORS will get an update on Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provision in north Cumbria next week.

Members of Cumberland Council's health and wellbeing board are due to meet at the Civic Centre in Carlisle on Friday (December 8) from 10.30am where the report will be presented.

According to the report the improvement of SEND services and provision across the local area continues to be a priority for all partners.

The report states: "The focus for improvement is set out in the Continuous Improvement Plan which also includes the response to the feedback from the recent SEND revisit inspection."

It is recommended that the board note the formal ending of shared arrangements for continuous improvement in SEND provided by the Cumbria SEND Partnership Board.

In addition, they are asked to note and support the agreed plans for a newly constituted Cumberland SEND Partnership Board which will take on the oversight of all arrangements for SEND partnership improvement activity.

And finally, they are asked to agree to receive regular updates from the Cumberland SEND Partnership Board in future meetings.