ONE of Cumbria's most popular festivals is now just over a month away. 

Wild on the Wall will take place in August at Brampton on August 4 until August 6. 

Big Cumbrian names like Hardwicke Circus will be performing alongside My Little Brother and Baghdaddies. 

Other acts will include Roz Sluman and Sultans of the Source. 

As the event draws nearer people across north Cumbria will be preparing for one of the area's best displays of local talent. 

Dan Russell, the organiser of the event, said: "It's really exciting, there's constant contact with the bands and people are really excited to be playing in the tents at New Walton. 

"There's a lot of feedback and communication, we're full up in terms of acts, we can't take any more bands because we've got so many people wanting to play with us.

"There are still a few tickets left if anybody wants to come, we can do that, but as far as performers are concerned we're full up. 

"Some of the biggest acts will be Hardwicke Circus, a well-known local band who are doing very well all over England and we have another wonderful band called My Little Brother and we also have Baghdaddies from the northeast who are very well known locally. 

"We also have about 40 other bands who will be performing across the weekend. 

"We've had to get a bigger tent to accommodate the folks and we have a lot more food and children's activities.

"We are working on the campsite to make it a special dedicated place. 

"We have bonfires every night so we don't want this affecting the tents, this will happen at the end of the night once the shows have finished and the musicians will all get round to play to the audience at an open mic together. 

"It's one of the wonderful things about this festival that the acts can collaborate together musically."