A SUPERMARKET worker who made indecent images of a child failed to attend court because she was scared to face ‘who she used to be’.

Emma Davies, 59, admitted making two Category C indecent images of a child when she appeared before magistrates in Workington on Tuesday.

She also admitted she had failed to surrender to court bail the previous day and apologised to magistrates for this.

Davies said: “Because of who I now am, although the responsibility is now mine, the person I used to be, throughout my life, this has always been there.

“I was having to face who I used to be. I was terrified. I didn’t know how you were going to address me in court. That played with my anxiety.”

Referring to a name change, the defendant added: “It’s a legal status now and everything.”

Prosecutor Pamela Fee said the indecent images charge, which took place between July and August last year in Frizington, involved the same image saved in two separate places.

The case was adjourned to allow a pre-sentence report to be prepared by the probation service.

Davies, of Moor Place, Frizington, was granted bail, with conditions not to reside at any premises where children under the age of 18 are present and not to have any unsupervised contact with children under 18, as is unavoidable in the course of everyday life.

This would allow the defendant to continue her job at Asda, the court heard.

Keith Southward, chair of the magistrates’ panel, told Davies: “You will be addressed as you wish to be addressed, so don’t worry about it.”

Davies will be sentenced on June 12.