PLANS have been submitted to the city council which if approved, would see a Carlisle building, which currently hosts a physiotherapists, converted into a takeaway dessert business.

Carlisle City Council has received a change of use application for 44 Denton Street, Carlisle.

The proposal is to use the building which was last used as a physiotherapists practice, as a takeaway for desserts, sweets and baked goods.

If approved, physical alterations would be included in the proposal including a new sign lit by shop-front lighting; single glazing will be replaced by double glazing and a UPVC door in place of the existing single glazed glass door.

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Although it was last used for physiotherapy, the building is now currently vacant.

The Environment Agency has advised that the business is proposed for a location which is in flood zone three – an area with a high probability of flooding that benefits from flood defences.

A flood risk assessment has been carried out on the Environment Agency’s advice.

The city council’s environmental health officer was consulted on the plans.

He said: “Food businesses can give rise to complaints about odour, from occupiers of nearby residential properties.

“The potential for such complaints may be reduced, though not entirely obviated, by the installation and use of a suitable extract ventilation system.”

“Such a system should be designed, for the cuisine in question, and installed by a competent ventilation engineer. The system will also need to be designed such that it’s operation does not cause a noise nuisance. To this end, the resulting system will also need regular maintenance by a competent person.”

However, the EHO officer added that the nature of the food that will be prepared at the business “does not tend to be so potentially problematic as fish and chips, kebabs, curries etc.”

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The public can view and comment on all applications submitted to Carlisle City Council for approval.

Councillors on the planning panel will take comments of support or objection into account when coming to a verdict.

To view applications submitted for your area, visit:

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