SILLOTH Town Council and Silloth Youth Club have recently come together to redesign a wall located at one of the town’s play areas.

The council were pleased to unveil the newly completed graffiti art wall at the Eden Street play area which has certainly brightened up the wall and the play area.


News and Star: HELP: Beardy Synergy and Silloth Youth Club members helped paint the wall. Picture: Silloth Town CouncilHELP: Beardy Synergy and Silloth Youth Club members helped paint the wall. Picture: Silloth Town Council


Upon completion, the council shared their gratitude towards the grounds maintenance team and volunteers from the Friends of Silloth Green who did the preparation work, and to Beardy Synergy and youngsters from Silloth Youth Club who did the artwork.

It has been a busy period for West Cumbrian group Beardy Synergy, who completed a mural detailing Egremont’s town history soon after completing the wall at Eden Street.


News and Star: ART: The wall was graffiti painted. Picture: Silloth Town CouncilART: The wall was graffiti painted. Picture: Silloth Town Council


The project was funded with grant money from the Welcome Back Fund. The Welcome Back Fund is providing councils across England a share of £56 million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to support the safe return to high streets and help build back better from the pandemic.


READ MORE: New £50,000 'pop-up' park unveiled in Carlisle's Greenmarket


Also being funded is a new picnic area next to the park, new seating, picnic tables, bins, shrub beds, fencing and improved access to the play area.


News and Star: WORK: The wall was redesigned thanks to the Welcome Back Fund. Picture: Silloth Town CouncilWORK: The wall was redesigned thanks to the Welcome Back Fund. Picture: Silloth Town Council


The Welcome Back Fund has also been used in towns close to Silloth, with Aspatria Town Council unveiling five brand-new notice boards that are scattered across the town and Carlisle's new artificial grass £50,000 'pop-up' park located in the Greenmarket adjacent to the Old Town Hall.


READ MORE: Aspatria Town Council place notice boards across town