A REQUEST for planning approval has been submitted to use land from a woodland site for a new holiday park, which it is hoped will contribute to the area’s economy.

Mr and Mrs Usher, of Drigg, have submitting an application for planning approval to Copeland Borough Council.

The plans involve Partfield House at Holmrook and converting woodland on the site for motorhomes, holiday cabins, a shop/office space and shower block.

The design, heritage and access statement produced by Holdsworth Design Practice Ltd stated: “The intention of the applicant is to be of a benefit to the local community. Using local contractors and suppliers where possible when the site is operational.

“They themselves have moved from outside the area and are undertaking a full renovation and extension of Partfield House.

“Whilst the proposed use will be managed by the applicant, there is an intention to provide localised employment as the site and its use establishes itself within the village.”

Valmoral and Flaine cabins would be used on the site, produced by ‘Log Cabin Kits’. The cabins have a pitched roof with a timber wall construction using double glazed windows. They would be provided with power.

The applicant said that they had taken the area’s ecology into account.

“Care has been taken to plan the layout with the basis of retaining as many trees and hedgerows as is possible, as noted as a concern/consideration of the pre-application response. A tree survey of the site has been undertaken, which the report is enclosed.”

Open areas in heavy shade would be planted with a mixture of wildflowers.

The applicant said that the development would be an improvement to the existing vacant land and the economy of the village, providing a shop and jobs.

Following a study on the ecological impact of the development, it was recommended that all

workers are given 'toolbox talks' before and during construction activities to identify wildlife they might encounter and what action to take.

The ecological statement carried out by ADK Environmental Management Limited added: “It is considered that any proposed development of the survey site by the client would have no deleterious impact on any European Protected Species (EPS) or their habitat, either currently, or in the future of any surrounding statutory or non-statutory sites.

“Consideration for further enhancing the ecology of the site however would enhance, enrich and increase the biodiversity ‘net gain’ and habitat of the site in line with the governments’ vision of promoting sustainable development, conserving, enhancing, and restoring the diversity of England’s wildlife and geology and contributing to rural renewal and urban renaissance.”