This week, the state of our region’s roads was brought into question with councillors in Aspatria expressing their dismay at the current situation in the area.

Aspatria’s acting mayor, Alan Maxwell, said the condition of some roads - and especially Station Road - is a disgrace.

“Councillor [Kevin] Foy damaged his car and then took photos of potholes,” he told a meeting of Aspatria town council. “Some are four inches deep and 12 inches wide.”

Mr Maxwell said the damage gets worse every day and will rapidly result in the whole road needing to be resurfaced.

“You could honestly be accused of drink driving the way you have to swerve around the potholes, there are so many of them,” he claimed.

Readers were in equally unimpressed mood and took to Facebook to add their personal gripes at the current situation.

Sarah Burgess said: “Absolutely it’s impossible to drive down roads in a straight line without swerving because of pot holes.”

Pat Kirkup added: “I can’t believe with all the modern day technology, they haven’t come up with a better system, both to build in the first place and repair!”

Reader Mike Lowell expressed his fear, however, that the cycle may show no sign of letting up even if something is eventually done about the current state of Aspatria’s roads.

He said: “Considering they patch them instead of repairing them most of the time? Yes, there is a problem, and it’ll keep on going until they realise they’re spending more money in the long run filling the potholes rather than repairing.”