The headteacher at a Carlisle primary school as spoken of the challenges that his staff and pupils have faced during the latest national lockdown.

Mark Ashton, headteacher of Warwick Bridge Primary has explained that, alongside staff, a great effort has been made to engage all pupils despite the challenges posed by remote learning.

Over 100 pupils are being educated at home, with teachers and assistants hosting sessions online and one-to-ones for literacy and maths.

"We set a theme for every two weeks such as castles, around the world, fairtrade. We have to take into account that some of the children don’t have the tech so we have provided some with these required bits and pieces. We used something called 'Class Dojo' where teachers can run sessions and upload materials for the children to use."

He has explained that a large range of online programmes are being used by staff to keep the children engaged.

"The programmes we use are Times Tables Rock Stars,, Literacy Spelling Shed and Writing Shed.

"Every child would benefit from a classroom but it’s not possible. Some kids have been asking to come back, they learn better with their peers."

He confirms staff have found the period stressful.

"The pressure and strain is immense for the staff. We have system were staff are available 24/7 and so they receive messages around the clock. That shows the pressure parents are under too."