Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Neither a lender nor a borrower be. Mixing friendship with finance always leads to disappointment. It’s better to keep your accounts strictly separate. If you need an additional source of income, you’ll find it at a respectable company that treats its staff well. Your willingness to work hard to get excellent results will help you up the ladder to success. Before you know it, you’ll be presiding over one of the most important divisions in the entire organisation. Your leadership skills will be polished to a brilliant shine.

Taurus (Apr21/May21) Don’t push your luck. Just because you are loved and respected at work does not mean you will be absolved of responsibilities. If you want a special favour, ask for one instead of demanding it. The more polite and humble you are, the better. There is a chance you won’t be granted this request. If that happens, you shouldn’t throw a temper tantrum. Accept the decision with grace and dignity and continue to do the best job possible. You will be rewarded later.

Gemini (May22/Jun21) Be open to trying new things. Insisting on one method for a job will result in a lost opportunity. Listen to a colleague who proposes another approach. Although their idea will sound silly, it will be highly effective. You’ll never revert to your original technique. Devoting more time to your health is important. Whether this means preparing nutritious meals, taking more exercise and getting additional sleep, it will be good for you. Give your body the respect and care it deserves.

Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Resist the temptation to rack up a lot of debt. Having big bills will keep you awake at night. It’s much better to conserve your resources. Don’t worry; this situation won’t be permanent. By practicing financial restraint right now, you’ll attract more income. A business or romantic partnership will give you the courage to pursue a dream. While you’re being creative, your other half will be attending to mundane chores that you usually perform. Don’t forget to show your gratitude.

Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You won’t convince a loved one to do your bidding. Instead of being consumed by frustration, accept their decision and move on. The only person’s behaviour you can control is your own. Therefore, you should focus on cultivating happiness, regardless of anyone else’s actions. A wonderful job will be offered to you. It will be such a relief to earn a salary. Use your income to expand a cherished collection. You’ll find some excellent additions for good prices.

Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Overdoing it with food and drink will be cause for regret. Practice moderation in your diet. If that means eating a salad while everyone else gorges on junk food, so be it. Within a few hours, you’ll be the only one bursting with energy. A sensual encounter is in the cards. Let down your defences with someone who is obviously attracted to you. Abandoning yourself to pleasure will pave the way to a creative breakthrough. Physical satisfaction allows the imagination to flow freely.

Libra (Sep24/Oct23) It’s time to turn your back on pleasure and dedicate yourself to work. People are counting on you to deliver materials, information and paperwork. Letting them down will do serious damage to your reputation. The sooner you fulfil your responsibilities, the happier you will be. Contrary to popular belief, you can have a wonderful time while attending to responsibility. It’s simply a matter of changing your focus. Find the simple pleasure of contributing to other people’s success. Suddenly, resentment will turn to joy.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Your family isn’t being very supportive. Don’t let that keep you from pursuing a lifelong goal. Teaming up with a talented artist will cause your own creativity to soar. When your relatives complain about this partnership, set them straight about it. You’ve never suffered fools gladly. Snobbish people make you impatient and angry. You’d much rather share company with those who are open minded, adventurous and unconventional. If that means feeling closer to friends than to relatives, that’s the way you will arrange your priorities.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You’ll get negative feedback about a creative project, which is disheartening. Don’t dwell too long on your disappointment. A visionary like you must cast a wide net to find your target audience. Eventually, a group who recognise your brilliance will champion your work. By practicing financial restraint now, you will retire in leisure sooner than everyone thinks. When you do spend money, it’s on travel. Instead of going first class, you’ll choose economy and have a wonderful time in the process.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) A luxury purchase will be disappointing. Before spending a great deal of money, ask about the return policy and keep your receipts. Don’t wait too long to deliberate over whether you should keep this item, as the window for getting a refund will be small. A relative will seek your advice. They respect your wisdom. Rather than denigrating their choices, be supportive. Talk about your own mistakes as learning opportunities. Your compassionate approach will make it easier for your family member to benefit from your experience.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You’re not feeling your best. That’s all right; everybody has an off day. Rather than hiding from the world, ask for help. Seek out your favourite people. Some gentle teasing from a relative will restore your good humour, laughing again, perhaps at things that once annoyed you. Communing with nature also will be therapeutic. Worries about status, money and health will give way to peace. You will have remembered the world will give you everything you need to thrive, provided you have faith in its abundance.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Someone will ask you to lie on their behalf. Politely decline this request. The last thing you want is to participate in a deception. When in doubt, listen to your conscience. It will ensure that you make the best decisions, even when you’re being pressured. Attending a big party will be more fun than expected. What begins as a pleasant exchange will quickly develop into a fascinating conversation. You’ll be uplifted and inspired by a person who is dedicated to being happy.