Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You should be pleased about your accomplishments. Thanks to your hard work and dedication, you have entered a period of your career that is both pleasurable and easy. Going into the office energises and uplifts you. Use your influence to help a promising newcomer. An investment opportunity is worth taking. Any venture involving food, the hospitality industry or property will be especially profitable. Getting involved during its early stages will pave the way for long-term prosperity.

Taurus (Apr21/May21) Friendship can turn to romance with very little effort. It’s easy to fall in love with someone who is kind, considerate and humorous. This relationship will send shockwaves through your social circle. Don’t let outside opinions affect your personal choices. A fabulous job will be awarded to you. It will be so nice to join a company that is devoid of drama. Instead of playing office politics, you will pour your energy into creating desirable products and services.

Gemini (May22/Jun21) Are you faced with several exciting prospects? Choose the one that fills you with the most pleasure. Taking a job that feels more like play than work is strongly advised. You’ll love getting paid to exercise your imagination. You’re a born entertainer. Someone who admires your talent will offer to train you. Becoming their pupil will be more than you bargained for you. You’ll have to work hard to earn your mentor’s approval. Scale back your social pursuits and focus on your studies.

Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) A cherished wish will be granted. Take a few moments to give thanks for your extraordinary luck. Living abroad, publishing a book or earning an advanced degree are among the exciting possibilities. Celebrate your good fortune with friends and family. They’re thrilled for you. You’ve been working hard. Take this opportunity to relax. Travelling to the countryside will soothe your jagged nerves. Nothing puts problems in perspective like communing with nature. Pause to enjoy the flora and fauna.

Leo (Jul24/Aug23) There’s nothing wrong with wanting more from life. Instead of taking a conventional job, pursue a career that is very demanding. You’ll have no problem pouring your heart and soul into work you truly enjoy. Study for a difficult test. A big family gathering will be more fun than expected. Take this opportunity to reconnect with a relative you have always loved and admired. Their stories will trigger powerful memories. Don’t be surprised if you’re inspired to write a book, song or poem after this encounter.

Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You have a choice between two promising paths. Pick the one that appeals to your creative side. You’ve been gifted with tremendous artistic ability. Making things that are both useful and beautiful will increase your income. It will also cultivate great satisfaction. When it comes to money, you’re in a strong position. Not only do you have enough to satisfy your bills, but you have the means to buy creature comforts. Splash out on some clothes, plants, books or pets. Any purchase that brings you joy is worthwhile.

Libra (Sep24/Oct23) The Universe will reward you for a kind deed you performed long ago. Be open to accepting a desirable gift, job or position. It’s nothing less than you deserve. Jealous colleagues will begrudge your good fortune. Ignore their backhanded compliments. Working as an apprentice will be rewarding. You have been blessed with a great deal of raw talent. Let a respected expert polish your abilities to a brilliant shine. You’ll enjoy working with this patient and practical teacher.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) An ardent admirer is trying hard to win your heart. Stop resisting their advances. After going on a date, you’ll realise you are well-suited to each other. You admire their spiritual outlook, while they appreciate your passionate nature. Abandon yourself to love. Financial rewards are starting to arrive because of your hard work. At first, the difference won’t seem significant. Be patient. By acknowledging your increased fortune, it will gain momentum. Nothing attracts prosperity like an attitude of gratitude.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Your private life is a source of profound satisfaction. Coming home to a loving environment restores your spirits. No matter what kind of stress you experience at work, your family is always there to put things in perspective. Listen to a compassionate relative’s advice. A gift of money allows you to satisfy some debts. After you’ve paid a few bills, you should buy something nice for yourself. Some top-quality camping equipment will fill you with excitement. You’ll enjoy using these items on your next adventure.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You’re starting to harvest the fruits of your labour. People have been watching your career with great interest. You have a reputation for going above and beyond the call of duty. Once people work with you, they don’t want to deal with anyone else. Comparing your progress to others is always a losing proposition. Give credit where it is due. You have made incredible strides since you set a lofty goal. Treat any setbacks you experienced as valuable lessons.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) An imaginative idea for making money is worth pursuing. You were born with extraordinary abilities; you aren’t meant to lead an ordinary life. Inventing an app, gadget or product will be more profitable than holding a conventional job. You’re in a good financial position. Playing it safe would be a mistake and might lead to a missed opportunity. Use your nest egg as a launching pad to a more rewarding life. The home you dreamed about as a child is within reach. Take a risk on its behalf.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You attract admirers wherever you go. This is a wonderful time to get engaged or married. Are you single? You’ll meet someone special at a glamorous party. Wear something special at this event. You’ll want to show off your assets to best advantage. An opportunity to expand your horizons will arrive. Publishing an article, teaching a course or recording a podcast will lead to bigger and better opportunities. Soon, you’ll be paid to do the work you love.