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Alistair FRAME

Published on 02/08/2024

FRAME Alistair (Ali) Linda, Michael, Kate and Leanne would like to thank all relatives, friends and neighbours for the cards, flowers, donations and messages received following the sad loss of Ali. Heartfelt thanks go to Dr Mary Hewson, Respiratory Consultant and Ann Harris, specialist nurse for their care, support and friendship over the past eight years. Special thanks to Dr Marshall for his care and compassion. Grateful thanks also to Carlisle Healthcare, CHOC doctors and nurses, Community Respiratory team, The Oxygen team, Virtual Ward and Arnside House pharmacy; you have all played an important part in our lives over the last few months. Special thanks to David Atkinson, Graeme Elsam and all of Ali's friends and colleagues at Thomas Armstrong Construction. Your messages and visits brightened his days. Sincere thanks go to Veronika Robinson for conducting the celebration of Ali's life, to Gavin and his team at The Auctioneer for the lovely refreshments, and finally many thanks to Graeme Kennedy Funeral Director for his guidance, care and compassion at this very sad and difficult time. Y.N.W.A.


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