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Colin REID

Published on 02/08/2024

REID Colin The family of Colin Reid would like to thank everyone who contributed to making the day of his funeral such a joyful and worthy occasion. Geoff Hine and Eileen Reid, the ministers officiating at Caldbeck and Castle Sowerby churches, the "four fit farmers" who acted as pallbearers, J Hill and Sons, Undertakers, for their sensitivity and quiet efficiency, and organist David Shingler. Pat Shaw for preparing the reception at Caldbeck Parish Hall, Ann Parry for filling it with food and Connie Foster for the Castle Sowerby chocolate cake. A special thank you goes to Margaret and Richard Brough for their kindness and generosity. Finally, our heartfelt thanks to everyone who came to the service and reception to show their love and respect for Colin and honour his many years of service to the parishes of Caldbeck, Castle Sowerby and Sebergham.


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