A Carlisle rugby club has hosted a cyclist who is travelling over 1,100 miles as part of a charity challenge in memory of his wife.

Peter Delaney, from East Yorkshire, is currently cycling from Land's End to John O'Groats to raise funds for the Motor Neurone Disease Association's Cure Finders and in memory of his beloved wife Maureen who sadly passed away after battling the disease.

On Wednesday, May 15, Peter was hosted at Carlisle's Creighton RUFC where he met members of the club and explained more about his challenge.

Scott Davidson, director at Creighton RUFC, was thrilled to host Peter and help support his challenge which has already raised over £8,000.

He said: "It was fantastic to host Peter and his team.

They presented a video that showed the reason behind the challenge which was Peter’s wife tragically dying from MND and how he has vowed to raise funds to find a cure for this awful disease.

"We have now put an MND charity collection at the club bar and plan further fundraising at our youth presentations this weekend where we will be counting steps in order to catch Peter on the virtual race that his team is running alongside his journey.

"They need support from where they stop to add over two million steps which is how many It needs to walk from Lands End to John O’Groats."

Speaking previously, Peter explained more about why he wanted to take on this mammoth charity challenge.

He said: "Maureen’s voice slowly deteriorated and initially COVID disrupted any access to people who could help us. 

"The only way we could get help was by paying for medical investigations until eventually MND was diagnosed.

Every week, every day, every hour Maureen slowly deteriorated, and the symptoms worsened. She lost the ability to speak, walk, eat, or drink.

"Having been touched by MND it became my passion to follow through Maureen’s legacy.

"Maureen would want me to go into battle against this debilitating and deathly disease."