A fundraiser for an ambulance charity raised over £100 during a beagle-themed celebration.

The Applegarth Sniffari dog field in Heads Nook was full of beagles and their owners as National Beagle Day, on April 22, was celebrated.

While some dog days have been around for a while, National Beagle Day is relatively new.

The idea for this day came about in 2017 by Sean Parkinson when he started organizing Beaglelandia in an attempt to win the Guinness World Record for the largest dog walk of a single breed.

He achieved it on April 22, 2018, but the record has since been beaten by Dachshunds.

Judith Nicholson, the owner of Applegarth Sniffari, and owner of two beagles Winnie and Beryl, said: ‘’It was an absolute blast to invite the local and wider community to join in this event with their best companions - beagles to raise money for such a special charity.’’

David Bell, also the owner of two beagles, said: ‘’I have never ever had such a remarkable time with so many the same interest people.

“I loved the idea of a social party for the dogs and got booked in.

“My dog loves socialising with other dogs and this party was the best idea.’’

It was fun, and worthwhile for the Great North Air Ambulance, which received £125 in donations from the event.